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  1. IEEE Xplore:IEEE Xplore是电气和电子工程领域的重要数据库,提供了全球最大的电气和电子工程文献集合,包括学术期刊、会议论文、技术报告、标准和电子书等。

  2. ScienceDirect:ScienceDirect是全球领先的综合性学术数据库,涵盖了包括电气、电子工程在内的各个学科领域的期刊文章、书籍章节、会议论文等。

  3. ACM Digital Library:ACM Digital Library是计算机科学和信息技术领域的主要数据库,其中包含了与电气工程相关的大量学术期刊、会议论文和技术报告等。

  4. IET Digital Library:IET Digital Library是由工程技术学会(IET)提供的电气工程和信息技术领域的数据库,包括学术期刊、会议论文、技术报告和电子书等。

  5. Scopus:Scopus是全球最大的文献引用数据库之一,涵盖了各个学科领域的期刊文章、会议论文和专利等。在电气工程领域,Scopus提供了大量的高质量文献资源。

以上仅是电气专业的英文数据库中的一部分,还有其他一些专业数据库如Engineering Village、Web of Science等也提供了电气工程相关的文献资源。根据具体的研究需求,可以选择合适的数据库进行文献检索和查阅。

The English database for electrical engineering is called IEEE Xplore. IEEE Xplore is a comprehensive online research database that provides access to a wide range of scientific and technical content in the field of electrical engineering and computer science. It is one of the most widely used databases in the academic and industrial communities for accessing research papers, conference proceedings, technical standards, and other literature related to electrical engineering.

IEEE Xplore offers a vast collection of articles from various sources, including journals, conference proceedings, and technical magazines. It covers a wide range of topics in electrical engineering, such as power systems, control systems, communications, signal processing, electronics, and computer science. The database is updated regularly with new publications, ensuring that researchers and professionals have access to the latest advancements and research findings in the field.

In addition to research papers, IEEE Xplore also provides access to technical standards and specifications published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). These standards play a crucial role in ensuring the interoperability and compatibility of electrical and electronic devices and systems.

To access IEEE Xplore, users typically need to have a subscription through their institution or organization. However, many universities and research institutions provide access to IEEE Xplore to their students, faculty members, and staff members. Additionally, individual subscriptions are also available for those who want to access the database independently.

In conclusion, IEEE Xplore is the English database for electrical engineering that provides access to a wide range of scientific and technical content in the field. It is a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and professionals in the electrical engineering and computer science disciplines.


  1. IEEE Xplore:IEEE Xplore是电气和电子工程领域最权威的数据库之一。它涵盖了电气工程、计算机科学、电子工程、通信技术等领域的学术期刊、会议论文、技术报告和标准等文献资源。

  2. ScienceDirect:ScienceDirect是全球领先的科技文献数据库之一,涵盖了各个学科领域的期刊文章、书籍和会议论文等资源。在电气专业中,它包含了很多电气工程和电子工程的相关期刊文章。

  3. IET Digital Library:IET Digital Library是英国工程技术学会(IET)提供的一个电气和电子工程领域的学术数据库。它包括了IET出版的期刊、会议论文和技术报告等资源。

  4. Scopus:Scopus是一个综合性的学术文献数据库,涵盖了各个学科领域的期刊文章、会议论文和专利等资源。在电气专业中,它包含了很多电气工程和电子工程的相关文献。

  5. Google Scholar:Google Scholar是一个免费的学术搜索引擎,可以搜索全球范围内的学术文献。它可以检索到很多电气专业的英文文献,包括期刊文章、会议论文、学位论文等。
